When playing Footage, you have to unravel what kind of ghost is haunting the area by collecting evidence. During your investigation, you will have to deal with the entity's events. Every event has a jumpscare trigger that you must understand to avoid being in danger. Your character has an anxiety gauge that will go up as you experience paranormal events. This will reduce your stamina and put you in more dangerous situations. The way to avoid that is by searching for medicine on the map. You will live only if you are able to exorcise the ghost.
Ghost Tools: Ways to identify the ghost presence and track it along the game
Parabolic Microphone: Search for paranormal sounds
UV Light: Check the ghost finger prints
Smartphone: Use your camera to see the ghost
Anxiety Gauge: Check your anxiety as it goes up along with the ghost messing with your head
Stamina Gauge: Used for running from the ghost (No hiding, run for your life)
Look for itens:
Axe: You better start breaking some pathway to run from this ghost or you might find yourself stuck in the corner.
Mind Pills: Find pills to reduce your anxiety and avoid losing your stamina.
Under Development
As the game is currently under development, we have some goals to achieve before the full release of the game
4 Player Online Coop
3 Additional Maps
A variety of Ghost Events
The game have jump scares, blood, skulls and occultist rituals.
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