Treat your fish to some scrumptious new food options in the Fishlets Tasty Treats 1.1.0 content update! [img][/img] Fish in Idle mode now have diets and preferred food types, and they will actively earn a little cash when they eat certain food types. In addition, a special food type has been added that raises a new fish trait - breeding condition. Fish with a high condition have a massively increased chance of producing top-grade offspring. Visit the new "Supplies" category in the Tank Upgrades menu to check out and purchase the 7 types of fish food! [img][/img] Some other additions and changes have been made alongside this content update, such as moving Critters, a few Adventure improvements, and improvements to Idle Shops. Many of the "Rare" Shop fish have also had rebalancing done to their unlock conditions as it was much too easy to obtain them before. Check out the patch notes below! [h2]Added:[/h2] - (IDLE) Added a "Supplies" category button to Tank Upgrades shop - (IDLE) Added new food types under the "Supplies" category. These upgrades are global and can be used in every tank. - (IDLE) Added a new fish trait "Condition" which is raised by feeding a certain food type, viewable in a fish's UI - (IDLE) A fish's condition slowly decreases over time until reaching 0 (if not fed) - (IDLE) Fish that are in great condition (90%+) have a high chance of producing higher grade offspring - (IDLE) Added a new fish trait "Diet" which can be viewed in the Fish shop before purchasing a fish - (IDLE) Added a food toggle button in the tank UI - (IDLE) Fish that are given their preferred food earn a little extra cash upon eating it - (IDLE) The AutoFeeder now drops basic food types randomly once they are purchased - (IDLE) AutoFeeder sprite has been updated to reflect new food types, the sprite also changes as new foods are purchased - (IDLE) Added a "Move" button to Critter UI, now critters can now be moved between tanks - (IDLE) Added a checkmark symbol in Shops to tank supplies, tank upgrades, backgrounds, and substrates if they are purchased and active - (IDLE) Added sound effects when purchasing tank supplies, upgrades, and customization items - (ADVENTURE) Added alert indicators to tanks showing when there's enough cash to upgrade [h2]Changes:[/h2] - (IDLE) Nile Perch is now unlocked after owning the Unique variants of 5 Massive species - (IDLE) Big Bellied Seahorse is now unlocked after hatching 500 eggs, increased from 100 - (IDLE) Polka-Dot Stingray is now unlocked after owning the Glass variants of 7 Big species - (IDLE) Laura's Goby is now unlocked after owning the Golden variants of 10 species - (IDLE) Zebra Pleco is now unlocked after owning the Melanistic and Albino variants of 10 species - (IDLE) Food will now float or sink depending on the type of food it is - (IDLE) Food no longer spoils in Idle mode - (IDLE) Autofeeder will pause dropping food if there are 100+ food particles present in the tank - (IDLE) Removed the breeding button from secret fish since they cannot reproduce - (ADVENTURE) Shields from slime balls now take more damage and break quicker as they were a bit too overpowered before - (ADVENTURE) Newts will stop producing slime balls if there are 20 slime balls present - Food can now be picked up/cleaned even if it isn't spoiled yet - Removed music mute button in Main Menu as it's obsolete - Added some detail to Orange Rili Neocaridina shrimp and Amano shrimp sprites - Other minor changes [h2]Fixes:[/h2] - (IDLE) Fixed a bug that caused all Shop item silhouettes to be rotated by 1 pixel, which caused the silhouettes to look jagged and created half-pixels - (ADVENTURE) Fixed bottom-feeders in Adventure mode hiding behind deco and plants - Other minor bug fixes Please let me know if you encounter any crashes or bugs with this latest update.