[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/4459756/68d20c5ddcbebecac662fcd0105735b31911901e.png[/img] The worlds are now back online, and with them the updates from Patch 4.2 – Rise of a New Sun! There’s something for everyone in this massive update. Make sure to check out the enormous list of new content, updates and changes in the [URL=https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/75c691f90f4a7da3907f0671ac33e139e9792abf]patch notes on the lodestone[/URL]! For now, here is a quick selection: [LIST] [*]Explore two new dungeons, Hell’s Lid and The Fractal Continuum (Hard) [*]Conquer the new raid, Omega: Sigmascape, with your battle-hardened comrades [*]Follow the legend of the samurai Tenzen, and face Byako in the Jade Stoa [*]Dive into the brand new The Feast PvP map, the Crystal Tower Training Grounds and explore the new team system and rules, that help to make fights shorter and more dynamic [*]Participate in new Beast Tribe quests and improve your reputation [*]Gather together with your Free Company and go on Subaquatic Voyages [*]… and many more! [/LIST] The patch is now available to play, so what’s keeping you!? See you in-game!