[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4459756/2ae84412f3ad52c855b368a4249be1b6b650031d.jpg[/img] Hello everyone, this is FFXIV Producer & Director Naoki Yoshida. As we revealed in January in the [url=https://sqex.to/u2AbF]“Regarding the Expansion of FFXIV’s Operations”[/url] announcement, we are planning to expand the North American Data Center in two phases. Though the first phase was scheduled to take place in August 2022, the server vendor has informed us that the delivery of the equipment will be delayed due to the semiconductor shortage. We have tried to coordinate with related parties in hopes of finding a solution, but ultimately a delay proved unavoidable. As a result, it will be difficult to keep to our original schedule, and we regrettably have to postpone the first phase of the expansion to November 2022. I sincerely apologize to those of you who have been looking forward to the first phase, which will add four Worlds under a new logical data center. We will share further schedule details as soon as they are decided, and ask for your patience in the meantime. As for the second phase, the schedule remains unchanged, with the abovementioned new logical data center to receive an additional four Worlds around spring or summer of 2023. Thank you for your continued support. Naoki Yoshida Final Fantasy XIV Producer & Director