Meet the designers behind the game’s iconic fights in the final episode of the developer diary series! “Episode Six: Building the Battles” explores combat and the Trust System of Shadowbringers, featuring interviews with: [list][*] Masaki Nakagawa (Lead Battle Content Designer) [*] Tsuyoshi Yokozawa (Lead Battle System Designer)[/list] [previewyoutube=bZCIJgz9EY8;full][/previewyoutube] We hope you enjoyed watching the creative process behind the critically acclaimed expansion through the Creation of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers. Until next time! [b]※ The full list of episodes is as follows:[/b] [list][*] Episode One – [url=]Telling a Tale [/url] [*] Episode Two – [url=]Forging the First [/url] [*] Episode Three – [url=]Shaping the Styles [/url] [*] Episode Four – [url=]Making the Monsters [/url] [*] Episode Five – [url=]Spawning the Sounds [/url] [*] Episode Six – [url=]Building the Battles[/url] [/list]