[h1]Game Update Announcement[/h1] [h2]🔧 Improvements[/h2] [list] [*]Replaced the overall selection buttons for religion and ethnicity attributes in the country editing panel with dropdown lists[/*] [*]Special resources are now recalculated based on ecology when a province's ecological conditions change[/*] [*]Reduced troop garrison numbers in border provinces adjacent to allies[/*] [*]Allies now automatically grant military access to each other, allowing support operations through allied provinces to reach the front lines[/*] [/list] [h2]✨ New Features[/h2] [list] [*]Added a toggle for latitude and longitude lines[/*] [*]New option in the global command panel to automatically abandon isolated provinces[/*] [*]Added "Assist Allies in Land Conquest" option in the global command panel: [list] [*]When enabled, newly conquered provinces adjacent to allies (but not to your own territory) will be assigned to the ally[/*] [/list] [/*] [*]Added a warning to prevent place exceeding troop quantity limits[/*] [/list] [h2]🐛 Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed garbled text issues in existence time display[/*] [*]Corrected the erroneous display of land height values in the editing panel[/*] [*]Fixed an issue where city names at the upper edge of the map were being obscured by map boundaries[/*] [*]Resolved ecological statistics errors for newly added provinces[/*] [*]Fixed a bug where new provinces had 0 defense[/*] [*]Corrected population cap calculation errors for new provinces[/*] [/list]