
It’s the first Fallout 4 [official site] DLC, in which you get to build your own robot army and turn another Wastelander’s into just so much scrap metal. But is it worth checking out, on its own or as the initial taste of the Season Pass? Here’s Wot I Think…

The stranger scratched a radioactive welt on his arm. It oozed pleasantly in the Commonwealth sun. He sat back with his newly scavenged comic, content to just let the scorching heat bounce off him. But then, a sound. A slow, meaningful, scraping sound. Immediately, he was ready, pistol in hand, staring into the distance at the traveller, naked save for some unflattering underpants, wincing as he dragged a large bag of crap across the wasteland and back towards that new town out by the old vault. The stranger gestured to the bag, full of ceramic and rubber and heavy plate.

“Buildin’ robots?” he asked. “Robots,” confirmed the traveller. … [visit site to read more]