
Sneaking around the Commonwealth wasteland may seem like child's play when you use Stealth Boys, but those camouflaging devices are severely limited - if only there was another way. You've experienced the ups and downs of Fallout 4's story as an average-sized human - now it's time to see what life is like for the tiniest of creatures, with a Fallout 4 mod that introduces a brand-new way to sneak up on dangerous enemies.

El Ha/Zorkaz's Shrink Potion mod turns you into the size of an ant, reducing your detection level by 95%. As you might expect, the world of Fallout 4 hasn't been designed with the vertically challenged in mind, so conquering mighty feats like staircases may prove to be an issue. That being said, if you use the shrink potion at the right time, you should be able to sneak your way through heavily-guarded areas with ease.

Upon installing the mod, you'll be able to purchase shrink potions from Solomon, who's located within Diamond City's marketplace. As you can see from the clip below, you'll need to consider the perspectives of people roaming around because you can still be detected.

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