
The US is heading into its next presidential election, and the process is turning out to be even more insufferable than usual. Now, one of the biggest mod repositories on the internet has announced a ban on all US political themes until the conclusion of the election.

"Recently we have seen a spate of provocative and troll mods being uploaded based around current sociopolitical issues in the United States," Nexus Mods' Dark0ne says in a blog post. Dark0ne says that due to the low quality of the mods in question, the "polarising views they express", and the arguments that have resulted, the team has "decided to wipe our hands clean of this mess and invoke an outright ban on mods relating to sociopolitical issues in the United States."

Any such mods uploaded after September 28 will be removed from the site. "We will review this restriction sometime after the next President of the United States has been inaugurated", Dark0ne says.

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