
How do you perform a Fallout 4 downgrade? It's no secret that patches and updates can sometimes make or break your gameplay experience, especially if you're partial to mod playgrounds like Bethesda's Fallout 4. The most innocuous change can have dire consequences for your favorite mods - and in these instances, a downgrade might be necessary to get them working again.

Fallout London is one such mod. The popular passion project hit a roadblock following the surprise Fallout 4 next-gen update that caused a compatibility clash with many of the mod frameworks that power it. Thankfully, developer TeamFOLON has made it easier than ever to perform a Fallout 4 downgrade to roll back those changes. Given that Fallout 4 is one of the best PC games of all time, it stands to reason you own the Steam version. We've got a Fallout 4 mod to downgrade it on Valve's platform, along with manual instructions if you're planning a Fallout 4 downgrade without installing Fallout London.

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