
Following Amazon's Fallout TV show, folks have been hopping en masse back into their favorite games in the series. If that's been Fallout 4 for you, and you want a way to spice your playthrough up, you're in luck, as one of the game's most pupular perk overhaul mods has just gotten a fresh revamp.

Yup, because it's all well and good building your own version of Lucy, Maximus, or The Ghoul to play as, a big part of the Fallout experience comes from creating your own unique little vault dweller to take on the wasteland as. Plus, you might want a way to inject something fresh into your playthrough build-wise, especially if you're planning on waiting until your other mods have been updated before hopping into Fallout 4's next-gen update.

Enter 'Hot Diggity - Skills Perks - Redux' by modder FishFiend. Building on the work they did on the original Hot Diggity a few years ago, this 2.0 version has the same goal - make Fallout 4 a bit more diverse character-building wise, in order to make it more fun to play for the 50th, or thousandth, time.

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