
Of all the Fallout 4 mods, Fallout London, which moves the stalwart Bethesda RPG game series from the irradiated shores of the United States all the way over to the equally irradiated shores of the UK, may be the most ambitious. A new map, new quests, new enemies, new weapons - if you're looking for something to play while waiting on the Fallout 5 release date, Fallout London will almost certainly be your best option. But why just play this massive new take on Fallout 4 when you can actually be in it?

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Fallout 4 mod Fallout London has killer post boxes and sea mines
Fallout 4 mod is a Bethesda RPG prequel that will drive you "insane"
Fallout 4 mod adds HD texture overhaul to Bethesda RPG