[b]Fallout 4 Update 1.5.211[/b] [list] [*]General stability and optimization improvements [*]Ability to filter by Daily Most Popular mods [*]Improved performance when browsing mods [*]Fixed issue where plugins would occasionally not delete properly [*]Fixed bug with mod file size calculation on Load Order menu [*]Fixed issue with screenshots occasionally not loading properly on mod preview page [*]Different music track for browsing mods [/list] To provide feedback, visit our official forums here https://community.bethesda.net/community/fallout/fallout-4/fallout-4-steam-betas/overview#externalIdentityManager [b]How to access the 1.5 Beta[/b] [list] [*]Log into Steam [*]Right Click on Fallout 4 in your Library [*]Select Settings [*]Select Betas [*]A drop down menu will appear. Select Beta [*]Select OK [*] Wait a few minutes and Fallout 4 should update [*]When done, Fallout 4 should appear as Fallout 4 [Beta] in your Library [/list]