Remember when that guy Lavonicus charted nearly all of Fallout 4's hidden underwater realm, and posted a ton of pictures of his submerged journeys on Imgur? With the DLC expansion Far Harbor now out, he's at it again, and this time around there's a quite a bit more to see.

There doesn't appear to be any great, watery adventures to be had, but there's definitely some weirdness going on beneath the waves. The audience of garden gnomes staring is one obviously example, as are all the bizarrely posed mannequins. The teddy bear on the cannon is mighty strange too, but also cute, so I'll let that one slide.

This new bit of exploration resulted in more than 70 screens , plus a few videos you can catch on Lavonicus' YouTube channel. He also created a helpful map of chests, safes, and points of interest, so you can cut right to the highlights if you want to check them out for yourself. Speaking of which, here's our Far Harbor review.

Thanks, Kotaku.