
Note: some spoilers for the appearance and behaviour of a relatively early companion NPC follow, as do references to one of the world’s central and ongoing conflicts. None of the ‘main’ plot events are spoiled, however.

There are many familiar archetypes when it comes to roleplaying companions. The snarky jokester one. The sexy-but-secretly-sad one. The cute or comic appearance but incongruously murderous one. The noble truth-seeking one. The rogueish but with a heart of gold one. The chosen one. The totally outlandish one. The guilty one. The grumpy one. The happy one. The sneezy one. We know ‘em all, we’ve liked many and hated some, loved a few, rolled our eyes at the obviousness of more still.

Nick, one of Fallout 4 [official site]’s optional companions, could easily fit into one or more of those categories, but I feel he has a more defining trait, and one which I don’t believe any other RPG party member has managed to the same extent: kindness.

… [visit site to read more]