
Once again, a developer has failed to include something important to a lot of PC gamers: in this case, it's the field of view slider that is conspicuously absent from Fallout 4. Once again, it's something that seemingly would have been easy for Bethesda to implement. And, once again, a modder has stepped up and taken care of it for us.

We recently told you how you can change your FOV settings by editing an .ini file, but the Fallout 4 Configuration Tool, made by modder Bilago, makes it a whole lot easier. Launch the tool and you can just type in the FOV values you want. Click save and it will make those changes to the .ini file. Launch the game, and voila, your new settings are enabled. Here's two pictures of me standing in the same spot, in first-person view. My vanilla setting had a value of 70, and I changed it to 110 using the config tool. Pretty drastic. You can use different settings for third- and first-person views, as well.



That's not all the config tool does. It also lets you toggle mouse acceleration on and off and set your mouse sensitivity, and enable a framerate lock. You can also disable the intro video and the game's gore. Another tab lets you set your Pip-boy and VATS colors (which can also be done in Fallout 4's settings menu). The tool also allows you to tweak your resolution.

If you want to thank Bilago for the fine work, here's where you can donate.