
The hunky-looking Fallout 3 remade in Fallout 4 overhaul, the Capital Wasteland Project, has all of a sudden cased development.

A conversation with Bethesda, owner of Fallout and maker of the games, revealed a legal minefield the Road to Liberty modding team had not foreseen - much of it revolving around reusing audio and voice overs. And as a result the "not taken lightly" decision to stop work was made.

The statement by project leader Nathan "NafNaf 95", shared on Twitter, read: "Recently we communicated with Bethesda regarding our planned method to implement the voice acting and other audio from Fallout 3 into the Capital Wasteland. During this conversation it became clear our planned approach would raise serious red flags that we had unfortunately not foreseen. This contact resulted in use changing our methods to attempt to continue working.