
As you might be aware, one of the many themes of the Fallout series is that allowing a world to be filled with with lots of big corporations sucking up resources at an unsustainable rate in pursuit of endless growth will, er, probably not end well. Apparently, this is something the Fallout TV Show's creators were keen to capture, despite the fact the series is being released exclusively via the streaming service of, er, Amazon.

To be fair, it does very much sound like the show's creators are very aware of the dissonance that comes from projecting the message 'unchecked corporations bad' via the airwaves of a corportation that continues to expand to levels where interacting with it's basically unavoidable a lot of the time.

Speaking to TheGamer, showrunner Graham Wagner touched on how the show's creators have approached that issue. "For us, it was part of the appeal, the absurdity of that," he explained, "That we get to tell a story about a world that bet big on mega-corporations and it collapsed and put it on Amazon is too delicious for words."

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