We’re pleased to release several new tools for mod authors: [list][*]Disable comments on your mod, blocking further discussion. [*]Delete specific or all comments on your mods. [/list] This should give modders greater ability to manage their content. We’ve improved the backend moderation tools as well, allowing us to better handle reported problems. Let us know what you think of these improvements. We’re also always interested in further suggestions to improve the Mods platform, and better empower modders. Additionally, over the next few weeks we will be migrating some data related to Ratings and Followers. You may see rating numbers fluctuate a bit, but they should catch up. Ratings will now use a new, weighted average system for sorting by ‘Highest Rated’ – this has taken immediate effect with the ‘All Time’ filter. ‘Weekly’ and ‘Monthly’ will eventually update to the new ratings system, as well. For more on Mods, visit mods.bethesda.net