3BV0L7zlCJwR.878x0.Z-Z96KYq.jpg Photo by Paul Watson, @WalnutSoap

Ouch. The last time I felt like this I was euthanising a Companion Cube. Paul Watson requested a refund from Bethesda on discovering that one of the discs in his $125 limited edition four-disc Fallout 3 vinyl soundtrack was warped. He was refunded $25 for the one damaged item. For Watson to receive the remainder, a condition—rather, a test of mental fortitude—was imposed. He would have to destroy the remaining vinyls and provide proof.

Well, my experience with Bethesda support has reached its pretty horrifying conclusion. pic.twitter.com/OOPNu6HAZy

— Paul Watson (@WalnutSoap) February 4, 2016

I suppose it is fitting that when it comes to scam prevention Bethesda chooses the nuclear option. And what could be more in keeping with that trademark Fallout humour than making the customer annihilate his own prized possession? Rumour has it that requesting a refund on the Fallout Anthology requires proof of the destruction of a small township.

After it got a little traction, first on Twitter and then via Eurogamer, Bethesda responded to Watson's Tweet asking for his ticket number. Perhaps something will emerge from the devastation yet.