[h2]New songs and chart updates![/h2] [h3][b]SPEED LIMIT[/b] by jeko[/h3] [list] [*]BG1 by tari (The tutorial has been reworked! You'll be notified when opening your profile.) [/list] [h3][b]Knights of Khronelia[/b] by JinoBeats[/h3] [list] [*][spoiler]BG3 by Ky_Dash[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]NM10 by Ky_Dash[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]HY12 by Ky_Dash[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]EX15 by Ky_Dash & RILEY[/spoiler] [/list] [h3][b]Mahika[/b] by The Musical Ghost[/h3] [list] [*][spoiler]BG3 by Exschwasion[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]NM9 by Exschwasion[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]HY13 by Exschwasion[/spoiler] [/list] [h3][b]Sigrún[/b] by Kara & UNHAPPYCORE[/h3] [list] [*][spoiler]BG4 by nb1rs[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]NM9 by nb1rs[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]HY11 by nb1rs[/spoiler] [/list] [h3][b]CANDY☆LAND (XDRV Cut)[/b] by Seo[/h3] [list] [*][spoiler]BG2 by RILEY[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]NM8 by RILEY[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]HY12 by RILEY[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]EX14 by RILEY[/spoiler] [/list] [h3][b]WE OUT HERE[/b] by A-Saph[/h3] [list] [*][spoiler]BG5 by tari[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]NM7 by tari[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]HY12 by RILEY[/spoiler] [*][spoiler]EX15 by Chart Team XDRV[/spoiler] [/list] [h2]Known Issues[/h2] [h3]Gyroscope[/h3] In a large amount of cases, gyroscopes of controllers will frequently drift in some direction over time, there are some ways to mitigate this: [list] [*]Calibrate your controller via Steam Controller Settings: Steam -> Settings -> Controller -> Calibration & Advanced Settings -> Gyro Calibration [*]Quickly setting your gyroscope to neutral in-game by pressing the Left Stick on your controller (might not be available in certain menus) [*]Resetting your gyroscope by unplugging your controller and plugging it back in [/list] We are working on a more robust gyroscope implementation! [h2]Changes[/h2] [h3]Tutorial overhaul![/h3] [list] [*]The tutorial has been completely reworked, now making full use of every option and mechanic in the game. [*]Leaderboard scores for SPEED LIMIT BG1 have been reset as a result. [/list] [h3]Added Drift inputs to other input devices![/h3] [list] [*]Swap between input methods in Options, under Gyroscope, and rebind your controls under Rebind Controls to make full use of this change. [/list] [h3]Added Momentum & Checkpoints![/h3] [list] [*]The better you do, the faster your final time will be. [*]The momentum value is affected negatively by anything under an X-Limit. [*]The "Finished" medal previously awarded for getting enough EX Score, now is awarded by having a final time that is faster than the song length. [*]Checkpoints will display splits based on how ahead or behind you are compared to your progress bar targets. [/list] [h3]Added Pausing![/h3] [list] [*]Scores with pauses will NOT be uploaded to leaderboards. [*]In addition, your pause count will be displayed on the results screen. [*]In Multiplayer, hosts can enter the pause menu & return all players to lobby, and restarts are disabled. [*]In Arcade Mode, quitting will fail out and advance you to the next stage, and restarts are now allowed in the first 10 seconds of gameplay. [/list] [h3]Gameplay UI overhaul![/h3] [list] [*]Completely reworked the gameplay UI, now less cluttered and more focused on time [*]Radial momentum and life bars [*]Horizontal progress bar displays checkpoints, player location, finish line [*]Subtractive scoring now available on the usual score display, and legacy subtractive scoring available in the old location [/list] [h3]New Mods and Events for custom charts![/h3] [list] [*]Added "camera_fov" mod [*]Added note size/scale mods [*]Added track size/scale mods [*]Added "track_color" aliases for lane color mods [*]Added the [spoiler]City background, events are posted on GitHub[/spoiler] [*]Added optional eases and optional 'time based' options for ease events to Tunnel background [*]Added 'EaseBloomIntensity' and 'EaseBloomDiffusion' events to Tunnel background [/list] [h3]Misc. Changes[/h3] [list] [*]Added EX Percentage to leaderboards [*]Added local leaderboards, shows your profile's top 5 [*]Added outlines to notes that overlap gears [*]Added a public lobby count to the Multiplayer gamemode button [*]Added "-devsongfolders" command line argument, which adds specific custom song folders only when this command line argument is enabled [*]Shortened Multiplayer lobby codes to a maximum of 7 characters [*]Times on leaderboards are now shown with a darker version if they were achieved before this update [*]Modfile errors and prints no longer print until you enter gameplay [*]Legacy Subtractive Scoring color now changes based on if you're ahead of or behind your best score [*]Moved drift indicators to be over the black bars/letterboxing [*]Options names and order updated to be more concise and less cluttered [*]Fonts on song wheel & results changed [*]Gyroscope reset button appears in tutorial & options [*]Certain options that didn't "wrap around" (i.e. Offset, Judgments) now do so [*]Adjusted the Chord radar value calculation [*]Credits updated with new names [*]"Show Input Glyphs" option is now enabled by default regardless of tutorial selection [*]"Autodrift" option is no longer enabled by default when there is no controller with a gyroscope when creating a profile [*]Updated font for the chart developer mode on-screen text [*]Disabled certain chart metadata tags in custom charts [*]Fixed a bug where the color config preset list would maintain control for too long [*]Fixed a bug where warps could go out of chart bounds during radar value calculation [*]Fixed Discord RPC log file spam [*]Fixed input glyphs lighting up when autoplay was enabled [*]Fixed a bug where you could change leaderboards and sort while having quick options opened [*]Fixed a bug with the Gimmick radar calculation [*]Fixed a bug with time-based mods not sorting correctly in specific scenarios [*]Fixed randomness with radar value calculation [*]Fixed a bug with hold lengths [/list]