[b]EBF5 V2 is now live for everyone on Steam, and the base price of the game will go up whenever Valve approves it. So it’s your last chance to buy it for $15![/b] The game should update automatically whenever you restart Steam, and once that's done it should say v2.1.1 on the main menu. Here’s a spoiler-free summary of what’s new: • 52 “new” foes, with a large portion of them being bosses or mini bosses. • 31 new achievements. • 16 new Flair equips, 12 new skills and 2 new limit breaks. • 50 new monster cards – a new item type. • A new biome, 3 new dungeons, and many secret areas. • Significant balancing and quality of life changes. • A “Cheats and Challenges” menu that lets you customize the difficulty to a massive degree. • A “Custom Quest” menu that lets you start a new game with major changes – such as playing with only one character, a new set of equip stats, different foes in each battle, etc. • More art in the gallery! [b]You can continue from your existing save file, but I recommend starting from the beginning for the best experience. [/b](maybe with some Custom Game or Challenge options enabled, to spice things up) The soundtrack has not been updated yet - that's on our to-do list. The price for that will also go up, and we'll change it from a DLC to soundtrack. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33394290/9c29bc729d5724bd2a26efbd441b3dd45967ed42.jpg[/img]