Hey guys, as is the tradition, [b]I’m giving out 20 Steam Keys for Epic Battle Fantasy 5 this Christmas[/b]. I assume that many people following this news already own the game, but it could also make a good present for a friend of yours. For a chance to win,[b] leave a comment on my website about what you’ll be doing this Christmas[/b], and [b]make sure to fill in the email field[/b], which will only be used for sending you a key if you win. Here's the link: http://kupogames.com/2021/12/17/christmas-key-giveaway-2021/ [b]I’ll be giving out the keys on the 23rd of December, so you have until then to enter.[/b] If you would rather receive keys for Epic Battle Fantasy 4 or Bullet Heaven 2 instead of EBF5, please let me know in your comment. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33394290/1748ca51ad291eeadb56f88c21a1744fdf243e5e.png[/img]