[h1][b]Village Leaders! [/b][/h1] The premiere of El Dorado: The Golden City Builder is just around the corner but before it happens we’d like to treat you to yet another update in the Prologue version! 💪 This is the fruit of your feedback and our hard work in providing even better gameplay experience than before. Without further ado, we hope that the changes we bring will make for a nice appetizer for what’s to come in just a few days! 👍 [list] [*]chore: introduction of a new area of range so that it is visible above the trees. [*]chore: introduction of the ability to reconfigure the keyboard to the options. [*]chore: adding an indicator to show paused buildings. [*]chore: adding more UI animations. [*]chore: further optimization [*]chore: changes to gameplay balance. [*]bugfix: sometimes buildings do not detect that they have been connected to a road. [*]bugfix: tooltips don't always work. [*]bugfix: crash when very many roads have been built. [*]bugfix: temple residents stay in the same place after moving a building. [*]bugfix: deposits are not highlighted. [*]bugfix: when there are a lot of warehouses on the map then the game freezes. [*]bugfix: sometimes the game freezes for a few seconds. [*]bugfix: corrections in translations [/list] See you soon, El Dorado: The Golden City Builder Team