Hello Elders! I am not sure what happened last night, but some Pips started behaving weirdly! Did any of you feed them something you shouldn't have? Oh well! While we wait for them to drop the funny hats, make sure to show your creepiest scenes to the community! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33727204/15934d07baceda01d79fbc6b7d6e15b72c7414d9.gif[/img] In the meantime, I have fixed a set of pesky bugs (and I am still fixing them, keep them coming!), I want to thank everybody who has reported one, as you have been very helpful in finding the root cause! I am now testing a lot of fixes in the new Experimental branch, and if everything is fine I will upload it on the main branch tomorrow. Check the changelog below to see what is fixed there! Also, if you want to try the experimental branch, there is a new memory and building waiting for you... it will come to the main game once we have tested it a bit, but if you try it, do tell me what you think of it! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33727204/e133ce8c4ceee5ef21b3d9d8d6674dd2720f6a77.png[/img] Have fun - Michele V EXPERIMENTAL [b]Features[/b] [list] [*] Added new Overpipulation mechanic. This will trigger on your next game when you reach 50+ Pips, with a new memory and hint. The mechanics adds diminishing returns to increasing Pips over a certain threshold in the form of increased Danger generation for the four Domains (Cold excluded). [*] Added new Doomsday mechanic. This allows snowballing runs to end sooner. [/list] V [b]UX[/b] [list] [*] Added Changelog to the main menu [*] You can now skip the end credits by pressing Escape. A sad voice will be heard when you do so, to make you feel bad about it. [/list] [b]System[/b] [list] [*] Various end-game optimizations [/list] [b]Balance[/b] [list] [*] Outer tiles cannot be selected anymore by events (this caused all kinds of wrong behaviour) [*] Thawing will now remove Snow instead of transforming the tile into Grass [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed winning with Randolph not unlocking the achievement correctly [*] Fixed profile picture appearing upside down in highscores [*] Fixed trainees becoming Bourgeoise resulting in them keeping the old commoner job, while still becoming Bourgeoise. Other Bourgeois Pips would also look down on them due to their humble roots. [*] Fixed some combination of actions resulting in abandoned buildings that, paired with Pips performing cures, would soft lock the game. This is fixed by moving all similar checks to the end of the turn. [*] Fixed tasks handling bonus resources erroneously, resulting in double costs, or double gains [*] Fixed Buoy not loading correctly for Captain anymore [*] Fixed memory unlock percentage being off due to hidden memories [*] Fixed bug in Relax mode that made the day be wrong on load, until you passed the turn [*] Fixed cat not meowing when selected [*] Fixed boons adding a wrong message in the log [*] Fixed last game weird boons and techs remaining on a new game, until you reload [*] Fixed a rare nullreference on load [/list]