Hello Elders! I am back to work! We went a bit to the beach, and I even managed to swim a bit in the sea... ah how I missed that! I hope everything is going great for you all! My leg is still a bit iffy, but I am almost at the end of the rehabilitation and apart from having a bit of a Crippled ailment, it works fine, and will get healed soon! Anyways, I am here with some news, and a new [b]Experimental[/b] build starting today! [h2]Elder on my couch?[/h2] While working on the Steam version, I silently worked on a console version too, which made me delve into even more optimization (due to a certain small console...) and improved controller support, resulting in an even snappier dotAGE! I now brought all the optimizations to the Steam version too, and you can try it now on experimental! Actually, since *a lot* changed to optimize away most stuff, even if I tested it for many nights I would be very grateful if you gave me some feedback, especially if you encounter any bug! [h2]There is no such a thing as too much quality of life[/h2] Now, to sweeten the deal, in the new experimental version you will also find new Quality of Life improvements (with more being worked on!), some of which have been requested by advanced players to improve their planning, reduce late-game attrition, and increase overall the enjoyment of the game. Shall we take a look? [b] Advanced building mode [/b] You can now enable a special "Build Everywhere" option in the Game settings which will allow you to: [list] [*] Place the starting Bivoauc anywhere you want instead of close to initial food. [*] Place and build buildings in positions where they normally cannot be placed as they would become abandoned or produce zero, allowing you to build regardless of requirements. [*] Place building blueprints *outside* of village limits (but you cannot build them until they become reachable!) [/list] This will be huge for some players that want to have more freedom in their planning! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33727204/a1b2a269223295efab760d15d88bfa6cad3fb4ac.gif[/img] [b] Copy building blueprints [/b] A handy tool indeed! You can now hold the "Copy Building" button to copy any blueprint on the map instead of having to find it! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33727204/520ffd547d44fdffd934193e4ccba4902051a3f0.gif[/img] [b] Copy contextual action [/b] Sometimes, you have many buildings you want to act on, and having to right click on each of them becomes tedious, so here comes a new functionality! By holding the "Copy Action" button while selecting an action in the right-click menu, you can copy it and then click on other buildings to perform it on each of them! Let's save you some clicks! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33727204/dd0502c0bc2acd3fe66b620dbdf24c4db9f2cd30.gif[/img] [b] Visual Grids [/b] For those that prefer to see the underlying grid, I added options to show it! It does give the game a cool we-are-a-strategy-game-sir feeling, doesn't it? This is not all, as I am working on even more items these days, and take a look at the Experimental thread [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/638510/discussions/0/6857382553945790022/]here[/url] for the changelog on what is available as of now! [h2]New localizations incoming![/h2] Thanks to the hard work of fans, Experimental version now has a complete Russian localization! If you are a Russian speaker, do check it out and tell us what you think, either on Discord or on the Steam forums! More localizations are being worked on, so keep an eye out for more news! [h2]What now?[/h2] I am going to complete the console version so you can expect some cool news about that soon. :) In the meantime, I will also add that I have started work on the DLC because I just couldn't help myself as I wanted to test some ideas... it will take quite some work, but I am already testing some cool ideas and can't wait to show you! But I'm keeping everything a secret for now :D Until then, have fun! - Michele