This patch fixes a few issues with controllers getting stuck when performing specific strings of actions. Remember to peek into experimental to see all the QoL changes that are coming! V 1.1.009d [b]UX[/b] [list] [*] You can now press 'Start' instead of 'Pass Turn' to advance some menus (this is to avoid getting stuck) [*] When trying to pass the turn while the "are you sure" UI is shown, the turn will be passed right away instead of re-triggering it twice [*] Added missing icon for Tools [*] Changed some minor building descriptions to avoid confusion [*] Various tutorial minor improvements [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed being able to get the building menu stuck if you access Agepedia while looking at a building and go back [*] Fixed camera moving a bit when using a controller and returning from a side menu [*] Fixed opening the research tree with a controller triggering the next tab [*] Fixed getting stuck on the side UI using a controller if trying to access it while not hovering on the grid [*] Fixed pause menu not being interactable during cutscenes while using a controller [*] Fixed cursor getting stuck on the right side of the view if you re-selected the same Pip multiple times [*] Fixed removing job from a Pip that was trying to cure somebody resulting in a soft lock [*] Fixed growing crops not remembering they were growing on load [*] Fixed "This is Addicting" achievement failing to drop [*] Minor localization fixes [/list]