[b]Balance[/b] [list] [*] Minimum resource cap with no buildings is now 0 instead of 30 [*] The 'Base' cap trait of Santa is now a starting cap (i.e. buildings will increase it) [*] Reduced 'Base' cap trait of Santa from 100 to 60 (with the Bivoauc, this remains at 100 still) [*] Warehouses can now become Abandoned like other buildings [*] Abandoned buildings do not increase the resource cap anymore [*] Bad events unlocked through mechanics during a run are now set on cooldown, thus avoiding making them potentially appear soon after you unlock them [/list] [b]UX[/b] [list] [*] You can now hold CTRL while placing a building to force it to be placed in the middle of the tile [/list] [b]Bugfixing[/b] [list] [*] Audio: fixed event SFXs being added to the UI audio channel instead of the SFX audio channel [*] Visuals: fixed a rare bug where starting a Captain map could start with a zoom of 0, resulting in a black screen [*] Controls: fixed being able to use zoom controls in the main menu sometimes causing weird interaction when the game is started [*] Localization fixes [/list]