Some more fixes ported to the main branch while I work on events! [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed bug with trying to remove assignment from a building through the new side-UI action skipping the "used resources" check [*] Fixed Pips not finding new homes if losing their home while they are stunned [*] Fixed Pips not being unassigned form work if their building disappears due to a change of terrain [*] Fixed Pips being able to resume working on fields if they lose their job but another Farmer is available [*] Fixed Pips getting assigned to plants many turns after one is depleted (the auto-reassignment is supposed to work only for the next turn instead) [*] Fixed camera getting stuck zoomed in when Elder is having a vision if disabling "zoom out on pass turn" [*] Fixed ghost output resources sometimes appearing on new games after resetting [*] Fixed resource pool mod returning wrong negative values at the start [*] Minor localization fixes [/list]