Work on the balance patch is going forward, I'm doing a lot of tests and iterations and am pretty satisfied with some changes! In the meantime, here are some fixes I moved to the main branch. Have fun! - Michele [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed paused tasks at the last turn generating their output anyway and generating some weird UI bugs [*] Fixed effect in some choice events not listing the actual values gained or lost [*] Moved Day time UI up 1 pixel to avoid it cropping when 'larger font' option is on [*] Fixed recapped resource bonus mod UI being incorrectly cropped [*] Fixed events removing the nature of a VIP not actually removing it [*] Fixed missing food warnings appearing offset by 6 pixels to the right [*] Fixed some overlapping UI elements in Agepedia [*] Localization fixes [/list]