[b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed untraining Pips that are assigned to buildings sometimes not deactivating said buildings [*] Fixed Reckoning events being able to apear mid-season change resulting in two Temperature Domains being visible at once [*] Fixed being able to place tasks below non-Built building [*] Fixed Trees using the wrong sprites on Santa's map on the first load [*] Fixed Doctors refusing to cure each other if all of them are Contagious [*] Fixed Autumn following Winter clearing all Heat and Cold on Santa's map [*] Fixed Santa's research tree not allowing Cobblestones to be reached [*] Fixed Santa sometimes showing two Temperature Domains due to a too early Omen [*] Fixed Santa showing Boss gem production the turn before Christmas events [*] Fixed being able to use non-Professional Pips for tasks below other buildings [*] Fixed buildings slightly moving around when trying to place Tasks [*] Fixed Pippins being selected when cycling Handymen in the Jobs panel [*] Fixed a couple of typos [/list]