Hello Elders! Phew!! I was *not* expecting this kind of reception, and I love it! Know that you already all changed my life, this is very... strange, and good! Thank you so much! Things are becoming bigger and bigger, and I am trying to keep up with everything, so please be a little patient if I cannot answer, as you may imagine I'm bombarded from all sides at the moment (not to mention I still have my daily job! Boss has been *very* understanding of this situation, so much that he realized what was happening before everybody else. He's a smart guy!) I'm handling a lot of stuff at the moment, and I am prioritizing *game breaking* bugfixes before anything else. There are a few, not many, but with so many players and so many strategies being tested, they ought to appear. My bunch of 10 testers of course could not have tried everything, but I think they did an *awesome* job in making sure the game experience is mostly smooth. Keep the suggestions coming! Note that I reduced a bit the scaling of memory points, as the end elements were a bit too slow to get for my tastes. It still should take many, many hours to get all of them, but that is good as they all introduce complexity, better not to have too much at hand. ;) I am also thinking about what to do next, and I do not have a definitive plan at the moment, but I am weighing my options. I already ordered a Steam Deck for *ahem* research purposes. ;) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33727204/28d8b3830c5f92800f757b1dd92fc10b3003b358.gif[/img] And now, to the changelog for today. I am doing daily bugfixes whenever I get the chance. Have fun! [h1][/h1] [b]UX[/b] [list] [*] Temporarely disabled bug report button as it was giving too much hope to people [*] Animals waiting for slaughter will be more visible as they'll get a bit closer to the building [/list] [b]System[/b] [list] [*] Full-Screen mode will now NOT minimize when alt-tabbing to help with single-screen streaming [/list] [b]Balance[/b] [list] Total memory points needed to unlock all memories reduced from 1848 to 1368 as it took too much time to get all of them Children can no longer be selected for romantic events (even if it was platonic, of course) [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] Fixed bug with Skinning animals not actually skinning them in the Tannery, resulting in animals becoming unskinnable and unbutcherable [/list]