Hello Elders! I hope you had a great start of the year! After being hit by a chain of illness events one after the other since Christmas (seems like my life has been very dotAGE-style lately!), I am now back to work on the game! Hurrah for spending all holidays sick! At least that gave me enough time to heal my broken rib, and I still pushed several bugfixes. ;) Enough talking of my old fragile body! Let us start this new year in the world of dotAGE! In my feverish dreams, I saw a new roadmap prophecy that details the next months... [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33727204/e9103a3df544365d45b7fa1806cba7baa3cea09e.png[/img] Woah! Let's see what is coming: [b]QoL Update[/b] This update will contain a set of often requested features and QoL changes. Here is what you can expect: [list] [*] Better tile highlighting when choosing where to place or remove signposts [*] Improved Pip selection and assignment AI [*] Shortcuts for common actions [*] Easier way to find Pips and/or Buildings [*] Agepedia upgrades [*] More intuitive Fisherpips [*] Various smaller QoL changes [/list] I have been reading all the suggestions you wrote into the Discussion forums or in Discord and I am making a priority list to start work on them right away! This won't be a total revision of the whole game, as that would take years, and I also intend to keep working on more QoL after this update, of course, but this should satisfy a lot of the requests! [b]Domains Balance[/b] Patch 1.1 adjusted the balance of most Buildings and Resources, while this patch will instead take a look at the current Domains and do some tweaks on some pesky events. Who knows, if we are (un)lucky we may also find a few new more events in the world of dotAGE... [b]Free Content Update[/b] Now we are talking! I spent a few days reorganizing all my ideas I had left behind during the nine years of development and... let's just say there were *many*. I set them all down on a long list, and chose a couple of ideas to start adding to the game (all of this on the house!) This is very exciting for me, as I have always wanted to add a lot more to the game, I cannot wait to add all the ideas I have been leaving behind! So what this will be? Only time will tell, I won't spoil anything for now, as I need to test out some ideas and see what works! [b]When?[/b] Keep in mind, the Roadmap Prophecy has no dates, as just as with the base game, I want to make sure everything is in order before releasing, so I am not committing to dates, but to quality. Roughly, I will be working 50% of my time on dotAGE. I also started working on porting the game to other stores, and even consoles, so these will take some time as well! [b]What about localization?[/b] I have Spanish localization mostly setup, At the moment, it needs some proofread to be added to the game. You can even try it out in the Experimental branch, in fact! If you happen to be a Spanish speaker and would like to help the game by proofreading it, do get in touch! For what concerns other languages, I am doing some work to setup a system to support new localizations, and I am weighing my options. I'd like to support fan / crowdsourced localization if possible, as the game will continue to grow with new content! [b]What next?[/b] As always, the vision of elders is limited to the current page! As I said, I have a lot of ideas for the coming months and years, some of them will come as free updates, while some (especially if they have big mechanical changes, as to not hurt the base game) will probably be paid DLC down the road. It is too early to tell now when that will happen, so let's focus on the task at hand first! [b]New patch?[/b] What else? Oh yes, I prepared a new patch with some minor changes on balance, and various bugfixes, to add to the ones of last week. Find the changelog below! Have fun! - Michele V 1.1.008 [b]Balance[/b] [list] [*] The White Carpet event now covers 50% of terrains instead of all terrains [*] Dirt and Soil no longer remove Snow or Underground Water terrain additions [*] Increased chance for some Quirk-related events to appear [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a rare bug that blocked Pips from completing actions if they lived too far from their work place, resulting in some hunted animals not being killed correctly [*] Fixed a bug that made some VIPs not appear at all [*] Fixed a bug with assigning Tags sometimes assigning the wrong one [*] Fixed not being able to remove snow from below ruined buildings or depleted crops [*] Fixed a few typos that found their way back into the localization files [*] Fixed auto-news sometimes showing too early [*] Fixed bug with Impulsive quirk not being assigned correctly [*] Moved the season text a bit so that the "r" in Summer appears [/list]