Hello Elders! I hope you are having fun with the new Elder! I am here today with a new update for the game, and some news on its future! [h1]Patch 1.2.3[/h1] First of all, Update 1.2.3 (cool name) introduces a revised free-form zoom, which is less pixel perfect (ouch!), but works better. The update also improves upon controller use with a series of fixes and improvements, so make sure to use the new Default Steam Input layouts to make the most of it! (Full changelog at the end of this update) [h1]What next?[/h1] As promised, it is time to talk about what will come next in dotAGE! Here is a new Roadprophecy! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33727204/146f7d0a35f0e022fe6937f3619c4ed984d889ac.gif[/img] As usual, there are no set dates, as there are a lot of unknowns on the development (still a solo dev, and I like it that way), but I wanted to give you a rough idea of what I am working on! [h1]??? Mode[/h1] Before going into my well-earned vacation in August, I'm working on yet another update for the game that will add a new option that has been requested quite often and is aimed to players that find the current run lengths a bit on the long side... but I am not going to reveal any details yet. I need to make sure it works correctly before committing to its current form! Just know that I will be hard at work to make it play good! [h1]Console versions incoming![/h1] I am happy to announce that a Console version is in the works, as I've been working hard on a Switch port of the game in the last month! There is still a lot to do, so there is no release date yet, but expect more announcements about this! [h1]First DLC Expansion in the works![/h1] Last but not least, after the next update I will be working on the first dotAGE Expansion! I have many ideas to expand the game! You can expect this to increase the complexity of the game thru new mechanics. I will reveal more as we get closer to it. No idea when it will be ready, but I have been prototyping some cool ideas! [h1]The Golden Prophecy expands![/h1] It seems that during last announcement I was wrong, people had already found the "He's still here" achievement! This means that the Golden Prophecy can now grow, and lo and behold, here is what the future holds for us! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33727204/a3d3a704592b84f31ea8910f0aa00ffbef6a53d1.png[/img] Until we get Pope to play the game, you have fun in his stead! -- Michele [b]Full changelog for 1.2.3:[/b] V 1.2.3 [b]UX[/b] [list] [*] Improved zoom system, either with a scroll wheel, or by holding the right Trigger and moving the right stick. [*] Implemented Pip Picking with a controller, by default by holding the left Trigger [*] You can now force the assignment of a Pip by *holding* the action, in addition to using CTRL + click. This makes the action available to controller users. [*] The camera can now be moved and zoomed with a controller also while navigating the side UIs [*] Pause screen hints are now no more random, when you click on them [*] Improved OpenDyslexic font spacing [*] Opening the Unlock menu will now jump directly to the first locked item [*] Keys / Buttons are now localized and dynamic in hints and tutorials [*] The requirement for clearing won't be enforced anymore if there are Clearings on the map [*] Various minor improvements to controller use [*] Minor UI changes to increase clarity [/list] [b]Balance[/b] [list] [*] Soy Milk Maker was misleading as it did not produce Milk from Soy. So instead of just changing the name, now it can! [*] "Child of the Wilderness" event is now Unique [/list] [b]Bugfixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed killing the cat actually killing it twice (still having 7 more lives left!) [*] Fixed bug with title screen sometimes remaining on screen at the start [*] Elder won't strafe anymore when having visions [*] Fixed bug with switching languages not resetting all text correctly [*] Fixed key assignment naming for controllers [*] Fixed Captain starting with 1 seasonal Heat [*] Fixed bug with hunters sometimes not being able to hunt creatures even if they are available, just after a failed lure [*] Fixed new credits not being scrollable with a controller [*] Fixed circumstantial predictions not being announced by the elder [*] Fixed some minor visual issues with dropdowns [*] Fixed some minor incongruencies with zooming [*] Fixed a weird tooltip remaining from the start in some extreme cases [*] Fixed training a Lumberjack inside Clearing Forest using Yugong showing the wrong number of turns [*] Fixed Pip tool visuals not hiding correctly [*] Fixed research tree not disappearing correctly at 800x600 resolution [*] Game log UI will now autoclose when stopping focusing it with a controller [*] Fixed the placement of some text when using non default fonts [*] Localization fixes [/list]