[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44991812/a233278de87458f831e3b18d891a7559d6f3459b.png[/img] [h1][h3][u][b]Bosses updated and nerfed with some settings menu options added.[/b][/u][/h3][/h1] These changes will hopefully create are far more fair, balanced and streamline experience without halting or slowing down progression through the game. [b]All bosses have been made easier. [/b] [list] [*] Minor bosses (Arena 7,14,20,26) have had their health slightly reduced. This is to create a more straight forward experience that doesn't roadblock or slow down progression through the arenas. All gold completion times have also been slightly lowered. [*] Major Bosses (Arena 10,17,23) have multiple changes to help, Including the ability to heal while fighting them. [/list] [u][b]Major boss changes[/b][/u] [list] [*] [b]Arena 10 boss [/b] [list] [*] Added regular enemies in the level to give the player an opportunity to regain health by killing them. [/list] [*] [b]Arena 17 boss [/b] [list] [*] The bosses melee attack wont push back the player until after the boss first takes damage. (won't push back at all in easy mode) [*] The ground Stomp 'shock-wave' expands slower [*] Time between each ground stomp is increased (increased even more in easy mode). [*] Time between firing projectiles increased (increased even more in easy mode). [*] Enemy projectiles move slightly slower [*] Slightly fewer electrified puddles on the ground [*] Damaging the boss now heals the player [*] Time it takes to electrify each tower is significantly increased [*] Health segments reduced by 1 [*] Collision surfaces updated and being stuck under the tower should now be near impossible [/list] [*] [b]Arena 23 boss [/b] [list] [*] Ground will now glow red before and while casting damaging abilities [*] Player health will be returned to full at the begging of the 2nd phase [*] Increased time delay between Casting new abilities [*] Fire attack takes longer to begin [*] Explosion attack takes longer to explode after spawning [*] Reduces the total number of spawned explosion attacks that happen at once [*] Time before the boss electrifies himself is increased [*] Health segments reduced by 1 (affects both phases) [*] Checkpoint at the beginning of the 2nd phase added [*] Golden completion time decreased by 1 minute [*] Boss should now be much easier to hit during phase 1 [/list] [/list] [u][b]Settings added[/b][/u] [list] [*] Option to decrease mouse sensitivity while sprinting [*] Option to decrease mouse sensitivity while aiming with ranged weapons [*] Difficulty change option added to the pause screen which allows you to change the difficulty in game without going back to the main menu [/list] Also minor bug fixes and spelling errors fixed.