[i]The wind violently blew the snow, reducing vision beyond his outstretched hands; He couldn’t even see the trees in the forest anymore. The blizzard was getting stronger and he needed to get to shelter as soon as possible. Suddenly, the wind stopped, time seemed to freeze, and a clearing appeared right in front of his eyes. There was a circle of stones of different sizes, and inside there wasn’t a single snowflake… just a tall figure with long arms and strong legs. It wore no clothes despite the cold, and its face was covered by a thick mane of hair, from which a greenish glow emerged.[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39156286/88c91f57f6248cacc03a7a026ae33271f96099f2.jpg[/img] Greetings cultists, 2021 has arrived and we have started the new year stronger than the previous one. The game is going up ahead, but we want to share our roadmap with you. Initially we keep our delivery date, June 2021. Luckily, the whole team has avoided the virus for now and we can continue working without too much trouble. [h2]January[/h2] By the end of this month we will have finished 100% the game script, including all texts, dialogues, notes, etc. As soon as the script is ready, we will sacrifice the scriptwriters and turn them into undead to the service of the chief programmer. [h2]February[/h2] We will start the production itself, a.k.a. shooting in location, recording characters’ voices and a long etcetera. We will send our byakhee to lead the way and prepare our arrival. [h2]March[/h2] We will go on with the production and we’ll start integrating the scenarios with the programming. By that time, we will have a very special "demo" ready. More than a demo, it will be a brief game in which you will be able to discover a part of the lore of Desolatium. It will be free for backers, as a token of appreciation for your support. [h2]April[/h2] We will have the Soundtrack ready and we will continue working to finish the Alpha Version. At this point we will need another great sacrifice ... [h2]May[/h2] …that will help us in the testing phase which will begin this month. The game will already be finished, the beta testers will receive Desolatium to test it and help us achieve a solid adventure. We will put the finishing touches and fix bugs, balancing issues etc. as the beta-testers find them. [h2]June[/h2] The game will be finished and ready for you to enjoy on PC and Oculus. Matching this date, Cthulhu will wake up once more and turn the seas into a boiling hell. [h2]July[/h2] We will begin the ports for consoles. Using the blood of the PC and Oculus versions’ programmers we will create new monsters to work on the console versions. See you in Carcossa, Superlumen