[b]The time has come! [/b] DEPO Online is already finished, this online mega-update will arrive [i](if there are no unforeseen events)[/i] before the end of this week. In order to test the server before the release we will do a stress test where we will need a lot of players to connect at the same time. Will we be able to burn the server? This last online meeting before the official release will take place on [b]Thursday July 4th (this month) at 22:00 Spanish time[/b]. You can find out the time in your country by searching for it here: https://dayspedia.com/converter/?mc=1275&t=1720123204 [b]All participants will receive 5000 Cokkoins as a gift when the online beta will be officially and publicly updated[/b]. TO ACCESS THE ONLINE BETA ENTER THIS CODE: [b]D3P0TestPassword[/b] in [b]DEPO Properties on Steam -> Betas[/b]. See you very soon, let's burn the server! đŸ”¥ ☕ đŸ’œ PS: Many thanks to all those who have so far supported by buying a coffee DLC as the server cost is maintained thanks to the help received. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35443786/95341ea31bd6df175a31e262dbb1ffa6ca1a90e8.png[/img]