Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I posted any updates and I wanted to let everyone know how development of Demon's Mirror is coming along. Spoiler, it's coming along super well! We recently added the 3rd playable character and are now filling out their deck with some unique and interesting cards. [h3]The current tally for content in the game (even more will be added!):[/h3] [list] [*]3 Playable characters [*]180 Cards [*]81 Unique buffs, debuffs, and powers [*]73 Relics [*]16 Scrolls [*]28 Events [*]23 Enemies [*]6 Elites [*]5 Bosses [/list] Besides adding more cards we're currently updating the map tilesets, working on the soundtrack, exploring the art we want for the character select screen and intro story / "cinematic sequence", creating more relics, enemies, and more! We're still a ways out from release so we're really happy with how much content we have in the game already. We will have plenty of time to playtest the game, balance the difficulty, and ensure it's fun. Thanks for reading! -Brad Bonus: This is the Scroll Trader from an event in the game. What do you think? Their back must be killing them! ːsteamhappyː [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40318431/4fb4c90080245f365f691a295da0287cca88c98b.png[/img]