Demon Turf Tower Patch 1.0.1!
Author: Fabraz,
published 1 year ago,
[b]We've just updated [u]Demon Turf Tower[/u] fixing some reported issues & slightly balancing some meta movement tech! [/b]
Check out the patch notes:
[*] Gliding out of a wall cling or cyclone now acts like gliding in the air giving you no recovery options. Only gliding from the ground allows you to jump out of it.
[*] Gliding from the ground no longer gives you the chance to do another glide in the air, whether the fairy is equipped or not.
[*] Dying in the Hub area after unlocking the checkpoint hex no longer soft locks the game.
[*] Cannons no longer have a chance of getting stuck in the horizontal rotation.
[*] Hookshotting near teleport doors no longer messes up the teleports.
[*] Teleport hookshotting out of vents no longer give you infinite jumps.
[*] Interacting with a door during a hookshot doesn't have the rare chance of locking your camera movement anymore.
[*] Community voted on keeping the fairy knockback momentum bug, but it is slightly nerfed to only give you one floor worth of height at best.
[*] Added a new sign to the first floor mentioning the importance of angling your camera forwards during jumps.
[*] You can no longer get stuck infinitely between the bouncer & wall in floor 22.
[*] Added missing knockback colliders to poles in floor 41.
[*] Music no longer "wobbles" in the end menu at the end of a run.