Level Creator Update
Author: Te_Tonic,
published 2 years ago,
Hey gang!
We've added a patch for the Level Creator to include some awesome new features and adjustments so you can add even more to your own Demon turf levels. Check out the updates below!
[*] LUA scripting support to directly access & adjust gameplay values, like changing Beebz's basic movement!
[*] NPCs & Custom dialogue support!
[*] Fully supported 2D segments! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Booster rings, zoom through space! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Moving cranes, adjustable radius and all! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Flying cage, for some fun unlocking methods! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Pumping pillars, these bad boy make you yeet! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Moving & rotating Octagons, these can be quite nasty! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Obstruction variants, to hide objects behind others! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Teleport doors, including the tracking camera! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Neon Splash Biomes, including their music! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Reactive beat manager, to make objects bop to the music! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Bullet hell scripts, time to go crazy! (NEON SPLASH ADDITION)
[*] Eye tracker script, if you need something to pivot-look towards Beebz like bosses!
[*] Smaller volumetric clouds, for some overhangs!
[*] A lot of prefabs now feature commentated instructions on how to use them!
[*] New toggle that makes patch notes optional, to skip the pop-up on upload!
[*] Level creator's name is now displayed in the level selection menu!
New to the Level Creator? We've got you covered with our handy set-up guide: [url=https://demonturf.com/custom_level.html]https://demonturf.com/custom_level.html[/url]
Get creative and don't forget to show us some of your levels in the Community Hub or on social media!