[b](Added)[/b] Hello, this is MINTROCKET. The ‘DAVE THE DIVER’ Demo Play opened at gamescom2022 where you can have a glance at the game closed on 8/28 7PM (PDT), 8/29 11AM (KST), as per the schedule we announced previously. Once again, we would like to appreciate your participation in Demo Play and gamescom2022. This demo release was a meaningful time when we could feel your great interest and deep love for the game. Your precious feedback will be referred to our development process, and we will try our best to come up with an improved version of the game for the official release. Further news regarding the official launch will be announced in our official community. We kindly ask for your continued interest and visit. Thank you. [hr][/hr] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42281449/70622634defcb4380cd2a65c4c1b0e1ad5c89b4f.png[/img] Hello, this is MINTROCKET. As we have announced previously, the ‘DAVE THE DIVER’ demo will be available online along with the [b][url=https://www.gamescom.global/en/product/z/davethediver]gamescom2022[/url][/b] event. Please refer to the following for details. [hr][/hr] [b][‘DAVE THE DIVER’ Demo Play Available Time][/b] Notice release date ~ 8/28(Sun) 7:00 PM(PDT) [b][Updates from Previous Demo Version][/b] 1. Chinese (simplified) has been added as one of the in-game languages. You can play the demo in simplified Chinese by selecting the language from the in-game Settings > Language. 2. The following bug fixes and content improvements reported from the previous demo have been applied. [quote=author]1) Improved frame rate and graphics option have been added - The frame rate has been increased to 60 FPS. - Graphics section was added to the in-game settings, and window mode is now supported. 2) Contents related to Bancho Sushi Restaurant have been improved - The control of Dave’s movement has been improved when serving food. - The ease of purchasing interior has been improved. 3) Improved harpooning and fish AI movement - Harpoon movement bugs have been fixed. - Fish AI has been improved to move more naturally. 4) Added apps to phone menu - The calculator/mail/album/music apps have been added to the phone menu.[/quote] If you have any questions about the game or difficulties experienced during gameplay, please share them on the discord channel. Demo content can be streamed and shared on social media. Once again, thank you so much for waiting to play our demo, and please enjoy our game. Thank you.