[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42281449/afa3cfefe8b99614acb97fe1ceadee2fc24bcb4a.png[/img] Hello, divers! This is the development team of DAVE THE DIVER. During the STEAM NEXT FEST, so many players enjoyed our game and provided a variety of opinions. Once again, thank you very much for enjoying our demo and for actively giving us your opinions! We would like to answer the players' questions regarding feedback we received related to certain bugs, and also address other opinions, so we hope that these will be resolved through this announcement. It may be a bit difficult to answer all the comments, because so many opinions have been received, but we are trying to read them as carefully as possible, and we are continuously working internally to make improvements. So please continue providing us your support!! In addition to the questions and comments we received, our answers are as follows. [hr][/hr] [h2]FAQ[/h2] [b]Q. The Official release date or Early Access plan?[/b] A. The official release date has not been decided yet. Currently, we are continuously working to perfect the game. We are considering all the methods of how to reflect your feedback in the form of possibly a beta or early access, so please look forward to further updates! [b]Q. Any additional languages?[/b] A. In addition to Korean, English, and Japanese currently being applied, we are actively considering supporting other languages. If you have a language you would like supported, we would appreciate it if you could provide us your opinion through the community channel. [b]Q. Nintendo Switch/Other Platform Plans[/b] A. This is a question many of you have been asking. We are trying our best to have it on as many various platforms as possible, so we would appreciate your continued interest. Please look forward to more news! [b]Q. Any plans for supporting Steam Deck?[/b] A. We would love to support the Steam Deck too, so even if it comes late, we will make sure to support it!! [b]Q. Any plans for applying a resolution change option?[/b] A. We have received many requests for this option. We will try to provide this at latest, by the time of official release. [b]Q. Any plans for releasing and selling the soundtrack?[/b] A. The music in DAVE THE DIVER features many great artists. We will consider various channels to provide access to sound sources in different forms. [b]Q. Any plans for muti-play?[/b] A. We are currently focusing on developing the single-play experience. We also agree that the connection and communication between players are fun things to have in a game, so we will think about how to apply them to the extent that they do not disturb the gameplay. If you have any good ideas, please feel free to let us know through our community channel! [hr][/hr] [h2]Bugs & Other Opinions[/h2] [b]Q. When serving sushi to someone at the restaurant, the "space bar" button appears, and if I keep walking, it disappears, so customers cannot receive their sushi even if I press the button.[/b] A. We also have confirmed this issue and it has been fixed now. You can check this in the next version! [b]Q. After the date is changed in the morning, there is a bug that shows the date change twice when the ship bounces or the game turns off then on again.[/b] A. We have checked this issue and it has been fixed. [b]Q. When a fish falls asleep after hitting it with a toy hammer, if it is attacked with a harpoon the fish suddenly disappears, and the harpoon cannot be recovered.[/b] A. We also saw a streamer struggling with this problem, so we will fix it soon. [b]Q. Can there be something indicating the health of the fish?[/b] A. When considering the interface when a large number of fish appear it was decided that it was better to have the health of the fish indicated indirectly. Fish bleed when they lose their health, so it was decided that their health can be judged by watching this. [b]Q. Regarding key mapping, I hope this will be improved.[/b] A. Key mapping will be improved and optimized as much as possible according to each platform. [b]Q. During the tutorial, there should be a notice beforehand that tells you to use the WASD keys to move around on the boat.[/b] A. We improved it immediately after hearing your opinions and have applied it to the demo version. [b]Q. Instead of aiming again when shooting, I hope it stays aimed until I can shoot again.[/b] A. We have heard that there has been some discomfort regarding this. Even If we cannot change all the weapons, we will consider how to make the weapons more comfortable to use. [b]Q. Can we skip the character dialogue with the ‘ESC’ key?[/b] A.Some players have expressed this opinion. We will make it so that you can skip after you have seen it once. [b]Q. Can we have a customizable feature added?[/b] A.Customization can also be an important part of the fun factor. We are considering adding as many as possible. [b]Q. When Dave throws away food, I wish he would eat it instead of throwing it away. [/b] A. That is a very interesting opinion! But if Dave ate all the leftover food, would it not be disruptive to diving the next day? [b]Q. How many species of marine creatures are in the blue hole?[/b] A. There are so many fascinating marine creatures out there, so we want to include as many as possible! There will be about 200 in total. [hr][/hr] Many players provided a lot of feedback, and we will try to make the best improvements we can by closely referring to your feedback. Once again, we thank you so much for your interest in DAVE THE DIVER. We will continue to communicate through community channels, so be sure to keep your eyes on our community channels! Thank you.