Greetings, Divers! 🐳 This is to inform you of a Hotfix that has been applied today to fix the issues below. [b]◈ Updated Version: v0.6.1.641[/b] [b]◈ Update Details[/b] [h3][b][Bug Fixes][/b][/h3] 1) FIXED – Tiger Shark’s attack motion not being displayed as intended 2) FIXED – Diving result screen’s ‘Time’ text being displayed as ‘Weather’ in Chinese simplified text 3) FIXED - Fish Farm's density algorithm [b]◈ Notes [/b] * We will update you through this notice if there are changes to the details. * Please update DAVE THE DIVER on Steam to the latest version for changes to be applied. The team is constantly checking the feedback and bug reports on the Steam community and Discord, so if you find any please let us know. Thank you.