Greetings, Divers! 🐳 This is to inform you of an update that has been applied today to fix the issues below & improve the overall game experience. [b]◈ Updated Version: v0.6.1.632[/b] [b]◈ Update Details[/b] [h3][b][Improvements][/b][/h3] 1) Fish Farm scroll feature - The Scroll in the List will not reset to the top after taking actions such as selling in Fish Farm 2) Quick Time Events when encountering Shark species - Dodge keys changed from W/A/S/D to Q/E/Z/C [img][/img] 3) Net tearing effects for net-guns - The net’s ripped effect will now be more visible when used on aggressive fishes 4) 3 New cutscenes added - Cutscene in the main story mission where Dave asks Bancho to cook a dish - Cutscene while making VIP-mission menu items - Cutscene added to Bacon's explanation about Sea People's Village 5) Diving loading tip screen improvements - New fish species added with improved effects [img][/img] 6) Best score feature added to [i]Leahs RUN![/i] Minigame - The best score will now be displayed in smartphone minigame 7) Retry Animation for Truck Hermit Crab - Improved to help quicker retry on Truck Hermit Crab boss 8) Others - Dialogue Image and effect improvements - Added mouse input for previously restricted UIs - Improved in-game texts that remind users of specific places [h3][b][Bug Fixes][/b][/h3] [b]1) Boss Fight & Missions[/b] FIXED – Not being able to proceed [i]‘Curious Child’[/i] after defeating Goblin Shark FIXED – Not being able to carve or proceed after defeating Clione Queen FIXED – Dona(Turtle)’s interaction UI not being displayed in [i]‘Finding the Seaweed Collector’[/i] mission FIXED – Game not responding or being cleared immediately when retrying Truck Hermit Crab boss FIXED – Multiple messages being displayed simultaneously in [i]‘Protect the Baby Whale’[/i] mission FIXED – [i]‘Where Currents Flow’[/i] Mission being completed after failing due to low oxygen level despite having all drone parts FIXED – Not being able to retake photo after failing Photo Zone mission [b]2) Boat / Sushi Restaurant / Fish Farm / Farm[/b] FIXED – Employees and Bancho not responding when one customer remains FIXED – Not being able to put up a hire notice when recruiting Kyoko for the second time FIXED – ‘Select’ UI moving and not responding when scrolling through the menu by mouse in Fish Farm FIXED – Items bought from Cobra shop resetting after returning from event & tutorials FIXED – Megamouth’s rank not being displayed as intended in Fish Farm [b]3) Underwater Exploration[/b] FIXED – Dave’s dash movement not working as intended in certain situations FIXED – Being able to repeat night diving in certain situations FIXED – Interaction UI being displayed continuously in certain situations FIXED – Being able to enter inaccessible areas in certain situations FIXED – Not being able to carve when using poison weapons on tranquilized fish FIXED – Weapon animation and cutscene being displayed simultaneously in certain situations FIXED – Red Sniper’s sound effect being muted after upgrade [b]4) Others[/b] - In-game text and UI improvements [b]◈ Notes [/b] * We will update you through this notice if there are changes to the details. * Please update DAVE THE DIVER on Steam to the latest version for changes to be applied. Thanks to all Divers who reported issues besides the below! [b][i]TIM / jaeong1019 / Panda / pdcloud / obligatoryNPC / Nukulele / 꽁룡 / 갹갹이 / 다이부 / 이정 / Ricercar / golj03 / 김병현 / 꿈돌이 / Baelz / dos3320 / 푸블리 / bigif97_KR / 우왕굳 / tjdalswn4785 / Rothgar / Mallaudie / Bonghyo_Si / 7355608 / 다다 / obligatoryNPC / jade / ChickenWifRabies / BrokeScientist / JadTheFat / ggg0880 / smiledebbie / dailynim / Snekk / KIMGAMMA / 강희운 / qkaqkd / Kuro Madoushi / Fortiscor / QMan / The Byzarkandian / 카라멜 / 이씨양씨 / Donia / Nikomix / WindBlade / 사치스럽다 / gmogames / 민경록[/i][/b] The team is constantly checking the feedback and bug reports on the Steam community and Discord, so if you find any please let us know. Thank you.