Greetings, Divers! 🐳 This is to inform you of an update that has been applied today to fix the issues below & improve the overall game experience. [b]◈ Updated Version: v0.6.1.593[/b] [b]◈ Update Details[/b] [h3][b][Improvements][/b][/h3] [b]1) Save slot help message edited[/b] - Improved the save slot help message to help clarify as below [i]'When you start a new game, all autosave files in progress will be overwritten. If you want to preserve your current data, please save manually while in game settings.'[/i] [h3][b][Bug Fixes][/b][/h3] FIXED – Price of fish not being displayed as intended in Fish Farm FIXED – Marinca UI being displayed unusually in Sushi Restaurant FIXED – Photo album UI being displayed unusually in Sushi Restaurant FIXED – The unmatching sound effect of Gravity Launcher FIXED – Other UI / font adjustments [b]◈ Notes[/b] * We will update you through this notice if there are changes to the details. * Please update DAVE THE DIVER on Steam to the latest version for changes to be applied. Thanks to all Divers who reported issues besides the below! [b][i]TF141-Mikhail alital / Veritas / Valkyre[/i][/b] The team is constantly checking the feedback and bug reports on the Steam community and Discord, so if you find any please let us know. Thank you.