Greetings, Divers! 🐳 This is to inform you of an update that has been applied today to fix the issues below. [b]◈ Updated Version: v0.6.1.499[/b] [b]◈ Update Details[/b] [h3][b][Bug Fixes][/b][/h3] [b]1) Items[/b] FIXED - If you cleared the missions below but did not acquire the reward item, each item will be restored respectively. [b]'Defeat the Clione Queen'[/b] : Clione Queen’s Poison Sack [b]'Stormy Night'[/b] : Hermit Crab’s Pincer Piece [b]2) Missions[/b] ※ The data of players who have experienced the following issues will be fixed accordingly: [list] [*] [b]‘The Leas-chan Rescue’[/b] – not being able to progress to the next step → will be returned to the first step of the mission [*] [b]‘The Sea People Village's Trust’[/b] – not progressing to the next step → will move to the next step of the mission [*] [b]‘Pet Squid Sergio’[/b] – not progressing to the next step → will move to the next step of the mission [*] [b]‘Curious Child’[/b] – not progressing to the next step → will be returned to the first step of the mission [*] [b]'Beyond the Rock Pile'[/b] - backing away from the bomb → will be returned to the first step of the mission [*] [b]'Into the Deep'[/b] - not being able to progress to the next step → fixed to progress normally [*] [b]'Seaweed Collector's House'[/b] - not progressing to the next step → fixed to progress normally [*] [b]'Catch Clione'[/b] - not progressing to the Boss phase → fixed to the state of having 4 Cliones * If any problems occur while doing the mission, restarting the game will fix the issue. [/list] [b]3) Underwater Exploration[/b] FIXED - seahorse being captured repeatedly in certain situations [b][Other Improvements][/b] 1) Improved the pouring speed of green tea and beer in some devices that experience an abnormal slowdown 2) Changed the grade from 1 → 3 of the registered fishes in MarinCa after being taken photos from Photo Zone. [b]◈ Please Note:[/b] * We will update you through this notice if there are changes to the details. * Please update DAVE THE DIVER on Steam to the latest version for the changes to be applied. Thanks to all Divers who reported issues besides the below! [i]승현 / Suji / 김사람 / 큰입멍개_1 / Oswan / 이정민 / 영준 / 돈주면따라감[/i] Thank you. 🤿