Greetings, Divers! 🐳 This is to inform you of a Hotfix that has been applied today to fix the issue below. You’ll find a list of what has been updated below. [b]◈ Updated Version: [/b] [list] [*] Windows: v0.6.1.742 [*] Mac: v0.6.1.75 mac [/list] [b]◈ Update Details [/b] [h3][b][Bug Fixes and Improvements][/b][/h3] - Fixed an issue of game crashing in certain situations [b]◈ Notes[/b] * If the crash issue still occurs after the update, please let us know through our [url=]help center[/url]. * If there are any changes to the details, we will update you through this notice. * Please update Dave the Diver on Steam to the latest version for the changes to be applied. Your reports are essential to improving the game and we’re happy that you guys are with us along the way. Please remember that if you have anything to share, feel free to let us know. Thank you!