Greetings, Divers! 🐳 We’ve deployed a hotfix that will address some of the issues from our last update on 3/22 (Wed). This includes Mac OS improvements and several gameplay issues. You’ll find a list of what has been updated below. [b]◈ Updated Version: [/b] [list] [*] Window: v0.6.1.729 [*] Mac : v0.6.1.72.mac [/list] [b]◈ Update Details [/b] [h3][b][IMPROVEMENTS][/b][/h3] [b]1) Mac OS[/b] - 1-button mice control refix [list] [*] We changed the controls for 1-button mice that were implemented in the March 22 update to fix an issue where it conflicted with certain hotkeys and languages. [/list][img][/img] * Some controls may not work properly if your keyboard settings are set to `Japanese` in Mac OS. Please change your Mac’s language settings to `English` or another language before proceeding. (*日本語キーボードではShiftのホールド(ダッシュなど)が出来ない恐れがあります。その場合は恐縮ですが英語などに切り替えてプレイをお願い致します。) [b]※ Dev Comment:[/b] [i][u][b]We apologize for having to change the controls again after we added this feature in the March 22nd update for Divers using 1-button mice, as there were unexpected conflicts with certain hotkeys and languages.  We promise to improve our testing process so that our Divers don't experience these kinds of inconveniences in the future. [/b][/u][/i] [h3][b][BUG FIXES] [/b][/h3] [b]1) Underwater Exploration [/b] - Fixed an issue where players could enter the Underwater Lake without any prior mission requirements. [b]2) Sushi Restaurant [/b] - Fixed the issue where the recruitment icon’s "New" marker appears when they’re not supposed to. [b]3) Others [/b] - Fixed in-game typos and translations - Updated the weapon specs that were inconsistently named so that they all use the same terms. [b]◈ Notes [/b] * If there are any changes to the details, we will update you through this notice. * Please update Dave the Diver on Steam to the latest version for the changes to be applied. We want to thank all the divers who have provided us with bug reports, even if you’re not named below! Your feedback is always appreciated. [i][b]shushu / jobsters / 수박이박수 [/b][/i] We are doing our best to fix the issues as quickly as possible so that our divers can have enjoyable adventures in the Blue Hole. Please bear with us through this process, we promise that we are always doing our best. We are grateful for all the support the community has given us to help us polish the game. You guys are the best!