Hi Divers! We want to inform that we have made our first improvement update of the year! Please refer to the details below for more information. [b]◈ Update Version: [/b] [list] [*] Windows: v1.0.2.1253 [*] Mac OS: [/list] [b]◈ Update Content[/b] [h1][table] [tr] [th]Regarding the game story, we have concealed potential [spoiler]spoilers.[/spoiler][/th] [/tr] [/table][/h1] [h1][b][New Content][/b][/h1] [h3][b]1) New Languages[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] The Italian language has been added.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]2) Dedicated Cursor[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Now, when using the mouse, dedicated cursors will be displayed according to their location.[/b] [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42281449/a1eb6a80d93b6faed35b6a2d765ce3da6578f5d3.png[/img] [h3][b]3) Sushi Restaurant Interior[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Now you can replace the lighting in the interior.[/b] [list][*] New lighting options have been added to the lighting category, which previously only had default lighting. [*] The newly added lighting options will be unlocked based on your Cooksta rating.[/list] [/list] [h3][b]4) New Mini-Game[/b][/h3] [list] [*] [b][After Chapter 5] A new game has been added to the [spoiler]GYAO! Mini-game[/spoiler] ‘play’ menu.[/b] [/list] [h1][b][System Improvements][/b][/h1] [h3][b]1) Bosses[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b][After Chapter 7] We have made improvements to [spoiler]Yawie[/spoiler].[/b] [list][*] New patterns have been added, and existing patterns have been improved. [*] Added a mid-battle save point during the first phase of combat to improve the experience, preventing players from having to start over at the beginning. [*] Improved the overall presentation, controller vibration, and background music (BGM) for the boss battle. [*] Improved the game by ensuring that some unnecessary UI elements are not displayed..[/list][*][b][Chapter 6] Made improvements to [spoiler]Helicoprion[/spoiler] boss.[/b] [list][*] Improved the timing of dialogue output during boss encounter. [*] Addressed certain awkward aspects of boss patterns.[/list][/list] [h3][b]2) Sea-People Village[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] [Chapter 3] While progressing through the ‘Build up Trust with the Sea People,’ mission, we have raised the amount of trust points gained for some missions.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]3) Sea Exploration[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] [Chapter 7] You can now catch 1 [spoiler]Anomalocaris[/spoiler] with crab traps.[/b] [list][*] The [spoiler]Anomalocaris[/spoiler] has been added to MarinCa.[/list][*][b] [After Chapter 6] After the [spoiler]Lost Baby Manatee[/spoiler] mission the ability to obtain fish and items in the ‘Ice Hollow’ has been improved. [/b] [*][b] [After Chapter 6] Reduced the health of some species in the [spoiler]Glacial Area[/spoiler].[/b] [*][b] [After Chapter 6] Improved the visibility of certain species and seaweed in the terrain in the [spoiler]Glacial Area[/spoiler].[/b] [*][b] Added animations to when Dave is using the escape pod.[/b] [*][b] Improved the display of the Mima dumpling buff effects by showing the buff effects at the bottom of the oxygen gauge.[/b] [*][b] Improvements made to some loading times while diving.[/b] [*][b] Improved the animation of large species and bosses disappearing after dying, for the purpose of smoother transitions.[/b] [*][b] Improved some aspects of UI interactions that were previously awkward.[/b] [*][b] Improved button controls for controller when using buttons to “return to boat.”[/b] [*][b] Improved the movement animations for tuna.[/b] [*][b] Upgraded dishes to the maximum level are now displayed as ‘Max’ at the final level.[/b] [*][b] Adjusted the placement of some fish.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]4) Sushi Restaurant[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Added animations related to staff [Recruitment/training/dismissal/dispatch].[/b] [*][b] Added waiting animations for employees when they are in standby mode.[/b] [*][b] When adding items to the menu, default quantity has been changed from 0 to 1.[/b] [*][b] Improved the ability to consecutively train employees without closing the window upon completing training.[/b] [*][b] Improved some texts that were displayed awkwardly when hiring employees.[/b] [*][b] Improved the notification display conditions and placement in the staff tab to be more intuitive.[/b] [*][b] Improved the ability to check on gold even when opening the staff/interior window of the branch CCTV.[/b] [*][b] When there is no manager assigned to the branch, a default image has been added to the manager slot.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]5) Missions[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Improved the effects of location changes during mission progress that were previously awkward.[/b] [*][b] Improved the color of speech bubbles during missions with NPC dialogues to make them more easily noticeable.[/b] [*][b] [Chapter 6] Improved the ability to use pause function when following [spoiler]drone[/spoiler]during [spoiler]Sea Blue Base Infiltration Operation[/spoiler].[/b] [/list] [h3][b]6) Weapons[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Improvements made to Ice Gun.[/b] [list][*] Damage output has been increased. [*] Sound has been replaced with something more closely resembling firearms.[/list][/list] [h3][b]7) Farm / Fish Farm[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Loading screen for entering farm/fish farm has been replaced.[/b] [*][b] Improvements have been made to the farm.[/b] [list][*] [After Chapter 4] Hiring [spoiler]Sammy[/spoiler] [list][*] Improvements have been made to make it easier to extend the employment contract. [*] Improved the visibility of the fertilizer configuration screen to clearly distinguish the current settings.[/list][/list][*][b] Improved interaction with Sammy/Otto/feeder/vegetables to prevent chickens from being disrupted during interaction.[/b] [*][b] Improved visibility by hiding the move button in the lower item slot when opening storage.[/b] [*][b] Corrected inconsistencies in the position and spacing of text for some buttons.[/b] [*][b] Improved the focus to be maintained at the proper location after selling items at the store.[/b] [*][b] Standardized the gold number display format within the farm/fish farm.[/b] [*][b] Improvements have been made to the fish farm.[/b] [list][*] Improved the ability to adjust quantities with mouse clicks when transferring ingredients between the main restaurant and branch.[/list][/list] [h3][b]8) Controls[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Improved the navigation in some list display screens, making it easier to move back in the opposite direction (up/down/left/right).[/b] [*][b] Improved the game so that sorting settings are maintained and not reset even after exiting and restarting the game.[/b] [*][b] Improved key settings to prevent having the ‘action’ and ‘cancel’ button be set as the same button.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]9) Smartphone Apps[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Improved some apps to allow scrolling with the wheel function.[/b] [*][b] Adjusted the position, size, and color of buttons in some apps to create a more uniform and cohesive experience.[/b] [*][b] Adjusted the scrolling speed in some apps to make scrolling faster.[/b] [*][b] Improved the placement of the ‘NEW’ tag to make it easier to notice the newly added species in Marinca.[/b] [*][b] Added a button to the calendar app that allows you to go back to today.[/b] [*][b] Improved the user-friendliness of the upgrade items in the Cooksta app.[/b] [*][b] [After Chapter 5] The appearance of [spoiler]GYAO![/spoiler] in the memory tab has been changed.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]10) Sound[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Improvements have been made to the volume and sound quality of some sounds.[/b] [*][b] Improved the sound to be heard properly even when the sound of rapid-fire weapons overlaps.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]11) Other Changes[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Added item sorting functionality to the Cobra Shop sales category.[/b] [*][b] Made it so that the game sound does not play when the game screen is minimized or goes out of focus.[/b] [*][b] Increased the diversity of Cobra’s motions when on the boat.[/b] [*][b] Added default images to empty slots in the boat skin menu.[/b] [/list] [h1][b][Bug Fixes][/b][/h1] [h3][b]1) Sea Exploration[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Fixed an issue in which items from fishing traps, drones, and cargo box were not obtained upon death.[/b] [*][b] Fixed the issue where under specific conditions, the number of salvage attempts and other factors were being reset upon death.[/b] [*][b] Fixed the issue where underwater cargo crates were being obscured by the terrain in the Glacial Area.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue where items appeared to be overlapping during sea exploration.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue where the position of the box was moving.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue where the ‘new’ tag was being displayed when retrieving items with the salvage drone, that had already been obtained.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue where the fish were moving abnormally during the salvage of large species.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue where the fleeing speed of some species became abnormally fast in certain attack situations.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue where the motions of some species appeared abnormally during the use of the harpoon when they were in sleep status.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue where emojis were lingering even after the death of aggressive species.[/b] [*][b] Fixed the issue where, in certain circumstances, the net was abnormally displayed when using a specific weapon with the salvage drone at the same time.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue where the size of some identical species was inconsistent.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]2) Missions[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] [After Chapter 5] Fixed the issue in [spoiler]Cobra's Lost Crowbar[/spoiler] mission where, under specific circumstances, you couldn't proceed further after restarting following a death.[/b] [*][b] Fixed the issue where the timing of the dialogue output at the start of the Feed Momo mission was awkward.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]3) Sea People Village[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Fixed the issue where mission related UI was still being displayed even after completing a specific mission[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue during a specific mission where, when talking to Tenzhin, the displayed dialogue did not match the choices made.[/b] [*][b] Fixed the issue where the mouse disappeared at the start of the Shark Tooth mini-game.[/b] [*][b] Fixed the issue where the descriptions of some products in Duwa’s Blacksmith Shop were not visible.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]4) Sushi Restaurant[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Fixed the issue where the image displayed in the result screen after ending the party expedition did not match the actual results.[/b] [*][b] Fixed the issue where the popup menu in the staff window appeared abnormally under specific circumstances.[/b] [*][b] Fixed the issue where the El Niño employee had an awkward pouring motion during specific situations.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]5) Farm / Fish Farm[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Fixed an issue where the scroll function was not working for the Diver Box.[/b] [*][b] Fixed the intermittent frame drop issue that occurred upon entering the farm.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue where footstep sounds were played when skipping time on the farm.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue where some terrain appeared as if Dave could pass through it.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]6) Smartphone Apps[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Fixed the issue where the enhancement notification did not disappear even when there were insufficient materials for firearm enhancement.[/b] [*][b] Fixed an issue in which interacting with the smartphone apps was not possible under certain circumstances.[/b] [*][b] Fixed issue in management app – Branch Staff tab where keyboard scrolling was not working.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]7) Other[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Corrected various translation and typographical errors reported by the community.[/b] [/list] [u][h2][b][DREDGE DLC][/b][/h2][/u] [h1][b][Improvements][/b][/h1] [h3][b]1) Mini-games[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] To balance the economy, the gold selling price of the blue diamond has been adjusted from 80,000 gold to 40,000 gold.[/b] [list][*] The selling price of Bei will remain the same as before.[/list][/list] [h3][b]2) Sushi Restaurant[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Fixed an issue where the VIP guest (Hooded Figure) sound effects were too quiet.[/b] [/list] [h1][b][Bux Fixes][/b][/h1] [h3][b]1) Sea Exploration[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Fixed an issue where the motion of certain species looked awkward.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]2) Smartphone Apps[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b]Fixed an issue where the drain gun image appeared white in the weapon shop under specific conditions.[/b] [/list] [h3][b]3) Mini-Games[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b] Fixed an issue where items obtained through the salvage mini-game appeared as a white image.[/b] [/list] [u][h3][b]Additional Information[/b][/h3][/u][list][*][b] Please note that if you’re experiencing issues after the patch, please compress the files from the path below and send them to our,[url=https://help.steampowered.com/ko/faqs/view/0C48-FCBD-DA71-93EB][File Integrity Check][/url] Please proceed according to the guide.[/b] [b][*] If issues persist, please compress all files in the path below and submit them to customer support [url=https://davethediverhelp.nexon.com/hc/requests/new]help center[/url].[/b][/list] [quote][u][b]Windows:[/b][/u] %LocalAppData%\..\LocalLow\nexon\DAVE THE DIVER [u][b]Mac OS:[/b][/u] ~/Library/Logs/nexon/DAVE THE DIVER/Player.log ~/Library/Application Support/nexon/DAVE THE DIVER/SData or ~/Library/Application Support/com.nexon.dave/DAVE THE DIVER/SData [u][b]Steam Deck:[/b][/u] ./.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1868140/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/nexon/DAVE THE DIVER[/quote] [b]◈ Notes[/b] - If there are any changes to the details, we will update you through this notice. - Please update Dave the Diver on Steam to the latest version for the changes to be applied. Your reports are essential to improving the game and we’re happy that you guys are with us along the way. Please remember that if you have anything to share, feel free to let us know. A big thanks to everyone, including the individuals below who reported bugs. We appreciate your contributions! [i][b]ㅇㅇ, 메니, JI_Shu, 김 한, lambda0454, yogomove, Avens, Mhrr, Xameip, Mr. Beef leninheads, 1237Peeper, Argzero, Amul, BaziJoe, Lewbae, Wendy, Jeremy S., Dazza, SurfingRedPanda, ElloJello, Delta, MoggerMan, anna, Feyja, Baguette, MiloshDirect, Spatzl 阿部コンラード, smjjames, yogomove, cuboid consumer, tasoula, Michl59, TheFragile, Fictioniate, Natura, Maria Poro, Sneaks, hondo, Sirian, Weeks, se, missing1eyebrow, Folklore, J4deJynx, Duck, Merilyn, and to anyone we may have missed! [/b][/i]