[i]“This realm must stand fast against those who would poison it…”[/i] We’re happy to announce that [url=https://youtu.be/RkTnnAJjJrA?si=dRaVbun01-QsK4wf]Kingdoms[/url], our [b]FREE[/b] stand alone campaign game mode, will release in 3 modules, the first of which - [b]“[i]Hunger of the Beast Clan[/i]” - is coming in Q4[/b] of this year. Releasing alongside it will be a [b]new paid DLC “[i]Inhuman Bondage[/i]”![/b] Check out the image below for more details on what you can expect from these 2 releases! We’ll be sharing more details, reveals and imagery from these two upcoming releases in the coming weeks on our [url=https://discord.gg/darkestdungeon]Discord[/url] and social channels! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42562846/a364666ef68e01270242fbf75183c14b07cd8c2b.jpg[/img]